We propose the following seminars:
- Regular group meetings are taking place every Monday
- HiLASE seminars, taking place few times a year
- Mathematical seminars / brainstorming can be triggered on demand.
- SLA seminars are taking place each 1 or 2 weeks.
Recent SLA seminars
- June 3rd, 2021. Martin Zukerstein, Single-shot formation of hollow micro needles in silicon by doughtnut-shaped laser pulses
- April 29th, 2021. Dr. Mirka Flimelova, New insights on noninvasive laser treatment.
- Mar. 3rd 2021. Prof. Alexander Bulgakov. Ultrashort laser-induced damage and ablation of silicon in water and air. (Contributors: A.V. Bulgakov, M. Stehlík, I. Mirza, O. Gatsa, J. Hrabovský, N.M. Bulgakova.)
- Feb. 10th 2021. Dr. Yury Ryabchikov. Improvement of Functionality of Plasmonic Nanostructure towards Magnetic Resonance Applications.